Sunday, October 30, 2011

Power Outage

I have not been able to update on anything because we here in the northeast have no power. In fact I am writing this with limited sources until we are back online. I hope to get things rolling soon.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Media Submission #1

Here is the first media submission. This was my first PMV. Anytime you mix MLP with something angry it will always come out good in my opinion.

Looking for Contributors

Are you looking to get your work out there? Then please send what ever media and news that you have to our email and it will be more than likely be posted or showcased here in the lounge. It can be media of any type. So make sure that when you send your work that you include a url, and a screen name so that we can identify it for others to admire. The address to submit is:


Hello and welcome to the Pony Social Lounge. This is a site dedicated to the social lives of all Bronies and pegasisiters. I am the owner and proprietor of this establishment, Professor Equine. I encourage all citizens of Ponyville to come on by, sit down, and enjoy conversations with other like minded individuals. There are several sections to the lounge that allow you to find exactly what you are looking for. I do remind you to try your best to keep it PG at the lounge because their are young colts and foals who may be wandering about. Thank you